Author : Thomas | Mar 10, 2020
Why Children Need Charity in Today’s World
“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”Mother TeresaThe main reison de eitre or reason of existence of many charitable missions all over the world has been to help the needy and the destitute whenever and wherever they may be found. Be it in the North American heartland or all the way to the most remote areas of Africa. But perhaps the most vulnerable individuals would have to be the youngest members of society. This is in fact, precisely why children need charity the most.
These unfortunate souls require both our support, our understanding and most of all our compassion as they commence their unending struggle just to get through a simple 24-hour cycle. It is up to us, the better off and the economically well-established individuals to help bring relief to the widows and the young orphans so that we can ensure that these people have their most elementary needs met, that is the bare minimum food and nourishment required for a healthy life. Furthermore, children need charity so that they could be imparted basic healthcare education (that has to be completely free of cost of course) so that the very poor who otherwise cannot access facilities will also be able to gain quality education and thereby make their own mark in the world.
In many parts of the under-developed and developing world, literally millions of young children suffer from a wide range of different entirely curable diseases that not only affect their health, but also the very quality of their life as well as their overall financial wellbeing. Some of these diseases and illness range from various infections and chronic health conditions to both malnutrition as well as different complications that they may have suffered during their birth (partly due to the acute malnourishment of their parents).
This is one of the key reasons due to which children need charity. So that they will be able to combat these sicknesses and also be less affected by them. Apart from that, it is also necessary to reduce the incidence and prevention of treatable diseases. All of this can be achieved if hunger were to be eliminated from the world. This is because hunger leads to malnutrition which in turn weakens the auto-immune system of the body and thereby allows different diseases to ‘sneak’ their way through, into the human body. Thus, getting rid of hunger will automatically lead to healthy children. But for that to happen hunger’s underlying cause i.e. poverty will also have to be tackled with, on a suitable war footing.
Unfortunately, such abject poverty is not just a part of remote and rural African society, but grinding poverty can also be found closer to home as well, right here in the US too, not to mention in neighboring Mexico as well.
Health literacy may be easily defined as the ability to ‘read, understand, and act on health care related information.’ As a matter of fact, there are large numbers of demographic surveys and research studies that evidence suggests that the overall health outcomes (with regard to the health care available to the children of a target population) are affected directly by the populace’s overall health literacy.
Many systematic research surveys conducted by experts from all over the world have also found that health literacy also influences an individual child’s overall health behaviors, his or her risk of hospitalization, as well as their ability to adhere to medication regimes. Apart from that it also has a direct impact on not just their attitude towards disease screening and prevention, but their parents’ as well. Children with low levels of health literacy are far more likely to end up developing a wide array of potentially dangerous health conditions, that may include diabetes, various types of cancers, and even outright depression as well.
“One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, and He will repay him for his good deed.”
Proverbs 19:17
Food security is the eternal birthright of every child, just about anywhere in the world. However, this holds even truer for the orphans and the widowed women who have to watch their children cry from hunger because they cannot do anything about it. These unfortunate souls are made to bear mute testimony of the horrors of a world they did not create. Here, it is our responsibility as good human beings and as Christians who have been blessed and endowed with so many of God’s blessings, to share the same, with our far less fortunate brethren.
This is the part where Tommy’s Team comes into the picture. We are a charitable organization that is dedicated to creating a better world through our work and especially when it comes to understanding that children need charity, even more than their adult counterparts. We aspire to create an equitable society where neither the very old nor for that matter, the very young will need to sleep on an empty stomach. We aim to help the poor and the disenfranchised in any way we can, by mobilizing both the manpower as well as the financial resources of the more fortunate members of society around us.
Especially the retired individuals who have time and money at hand, and want to contribute to the society, that has already given them so much. You can join us by registering at
We at Tommy’s Team work actively to make the community as well as the society around us to be a better place to live in, and we also encourage many people to send us their ideas and suggestions so that we can improve society at large, for everyone concerned. And yes, this also includes single mothers who are desirous of bettering their lot in life, through sheer hard work and high-quality education. You can register with us at if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday.Isaiah 58:10